What You Need to Know to Get Started
Team Rosters
Complete team roster on Google Docs – you will receive link from the Manager Coordinator or Registrar. All rosters need to be completed as soon as possible and shared with your division commissioner (Box - LMMLC Commissioners, Field - PCFLL Commissioners).
Your roster should include:
- Player’s Name
- Player’s Jersey #
- Home Phone #
- Parent’s Cell Phone #
- Email Address
- Head Coach Contact Information
- Assistant Coaches Contact Information
- Manager’s Contact Information
Form 100
Once your coaching staff has been finalized, the Form 100 needs to be completed ASAP. Ensure you are using the correct form – 100B for box lacrosse, 100M for youth field lacrosse, and 100W for women's field lacrosse.
Please fill out electronically and submit completed form to the Coach Coordinator, by April 24th for box lacrosse and September 26th for field lacrosse. The Manager Coordinator will let you know if the due dates change.
Deposit Cheques
Collect deposit cheques and record on the Deposit Cheque Reconciliation form.
Jerseys deposit of $150 made payable to LMLA and postdated August 1st for box and March 1st for field. MUST be received before handing out jerseys.
Volunteer deposit of $100 made payable to the team and postdated August 1st for box and March 1st for field.
Referee Fees
The treasurer will provide you with a cheque at the beginning of the season. This will cover your tiering and regular season referee fees.
LMMLC Officials Payment Fees (to be updated)
2023-2024 PCFLL Game Duration & Officials Fees
This money is only to be used for home games. If there is money left over, it must be returned to the association.
Referee fees for exhibition games are the responsibility of the team.
Fill out the Referee Reconciliation form and return it to the treasurer, with left over fees if applicable, at the end of the season.
Game Sheets
LMMLC implemented a new digital game sheet for 2022. Best practice is to have both the paper copy and digital sheet completed.
If you are scheduled for exhibition games, please emailyour commissioner (Box - LMMLC Commissioners, Field - PCFLL Commissioners) with what teams are playing, location, date and the game number from the commissioner. You will be provided a link a code and log in information for the digital sheet (Box only).
Field Lacrosse - You will be provided with enough game sheets for your home games. If you need extra, please contact the Manager Coordinator.
Team & Association Equipment
MAP box and the association’s blue locker have locks with codes which will open the box and access to the nets.
This code should only be used by coaches and managers.
The codes can be found in your team’s bin. If you have not received these codes, please contact the Equipment Manager.
The Equipment Manager will contact the teams at the beginning of the season to arrange pick-up of the team bins.
More information on equipment.
Volunteer Fees & Obligations
Volunteer deposit cheques will be returned/shredded at the end of the season if volunteer obligations have been met. If the family did not meet the requirements, the cheque will be cashed by the association.
It is up to you to let parents know about opportunities to volunteer and to track it on the Volunteer Records form.
See Team Volunteers for more information.
Team Fees
Costs incurred by the team for tournaments, coach’s gifts, wind up party, etc. should be detailed in the team budget.
Please communicate with your team and be respectful of people’s financial constraints.
See Budget for more information.
Exhibition Games
Please inform your commissioner of any exhibition games that are scheduled. Box - LMMLC Commissioners, Field - PCFLL Commissioners.
Field Lacrosse game sheets will also need to be sent in to your commissioner.
Referee fees need to be covered by the team.
Each team has a Team Snap link provided by the association.
This can be used to manage team roster, schedule, attendance as well as offering the ability to share documents, video, stats, scores and association communications.
Contact the Director Administration, for logon information.
Photo Forms
Photo forms will be handed out at the Coaches/Managers Meeting. The photo night schedule will be emailed out at the end of April for box and October for field.
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We respectfully acknowledge that our operations are on the unceded traditional territory of the Katzie and Kwantlen people.