Defaulted or Rescheduled Games
This is from the Lower Mainland Minor Lacrosse Commission Coaches Handbook found on the LMMLC website.
If either the home or visiting team wishes to default or reschedule a game, the team wishing to default or reschedule a game must contact their opponent no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled game time.
Any team failing to appear for a game at the appointed time and place is responsible for paying the referee fees & certified Shot clock official present at the game and for any floor rental charges. The League Commissioner will be notified of the situation as soon as possible and will report the incident to the LMMLC Chair for further action.
Any team requesting a reschedule due to being in a tournament, must do so 1 week prior (if possible) to original game date, if not their home association or team may be fined $50.00.
When a rescheduled game is agreed upon it is the responsibility of the home team to reschedule the game as soon as possible. All rescheduled or TBR games must be rescheduled prior to the completion of any league schedule.
In any rescheduling disputes, the League Commissioner will determine if a reasonable effort was made to reschedule the game by the teams. The offending team will forfeit the game and associated points. Also the offending association will be fined $50.00 payable to the LMMLC.
Your commissioner must be notified of all defaulted or rescheduled games as soon as possible. They do attend games so they must be updated on all scheduling changes.
Although you only require 48-hour notice of cancellation, please respect the other team’s schedule and floor space availability. Notify them as soon as you know that you have to reschedule a game.
- There are two main times in the season where rescheduling occurs:
- The release of the initial game schedule at the beginning of the season
- Mini Tyke, Tyke and all Female divisions will get a full schedule at the beginning of the season
- Novice to Midget have the initial 4 weeks scheduled, a 1 week tiering break, then the remaining schedule will be released
- After the tiering break
- The release of the initial game schedule at the beginning of the season
- If you have a conflict, contact Wendy Thomson, Floor Allocator, as soon as you can so she can find you an alternative date/time for your game
- We are required to offer 3 alternatives to your opponents, if the reschedule is being requested by a Langley team
- This does not mean the floor allocator will give you three options that you can present to the other team for them to pick from
- You will be given one option at a time to present to your opponents
- Do not wait until the end of the season to reschedule your games
- Try to reschedule games within the same week that they were supposed to be played to help keep your games/practices balanced over the season
- Indoor floor time is scarce and valuable so please only change a game if it is absolutely necessary
- We do not have the luxury of giving the visiting team (or ourselves) multiple options for TBR’s
- Games take priority over practices
- Scheduled game times are NOT to be used as practice time unless arranged with the Floor Allocator
- If not used for a scheduled game or TBR, you must give the floor time back to the Floor Allocator and allow other teams the chance to play TBR’s
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We respectfully acknowledge that our operations are on the unceded traditional territory of the Katzie and Kwantlen people.