Volunteer credit log
Volunteering policy
- All member families are required to participate in volunteer activities of the association. Volunteer activities include holding a role as listed in Section H or I, or performing the operational duties as required to run the Association (examples include time and scorekeeping).
- All member families are required to submit a cheque for $150, post dated to July 15 for the Box season or Feb 28 for the Field season, as a volunteer retainer. Cheques will be collected by the Division Coordinator at the start of the season and held by the Treasurer.
- All member families are required to complete 4 credits of volunteer time, unless granted an exception by the Board. Activities are to be submitted by the member via a means as determined appropriate by the board.
- Member families should be provided with a list of possible volunteer duties and associated credit for each duty upon assignment to a team.
- Members must be provided a means to review and track their volunteer credits.
From Section G: Membership in the Association, LMLA Operating Policy
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We respectfully acknowledge that our operations are on the unceded traditional territory of the Katzie and Kwantlen people.