Elected Board of Directors
Alex Vanichuk
Vice President – Box
Geordie Wells
Vice President – Field
Kara Eastgate
Director Administration
Michelle McGregor
Director Coaches & Officials
Don McGregor
Director Club & Community
Mike Inch
Director Female Program
Gerald Wartak
Director Player Development
Trevor Jarman
Appointed Positions
Karen Smith
Liz Khan
Alisha Van Ryn
Head Referee
Paul Foster
Referee Allocator (Box)
Heather Hanley
Referee Allocator (Field)
Heather Hanley
Club Representatives
Manager Coordinator
Amanda Genge
Coach Coordinator
Michelle McGregor
Facility Allocator
Kara Eastgate
Uniform & Equipment Coordinator
Bri Morisset
Social Media/Media Coordinator
Amanda Genge
School & Introductory Lacrosse Program Coordinator
Dennis Hickey Tournament Coordinator
Thunder Cup Tournament Coordinator
ThunderStrike Tournament Coordinator
Goalie Equipment Coordinator
Danielle Boice
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We respectfully acknowledge that our operations are on the unceded traditional territory of the Katzie and Kwantlen people.