
LMLA Coach Application

Please complete if you are interested in becoming a coach for the 2025 box lacrosse season

Guest Coach Registration

Please complete if you are not a member of Langley Minor Lacrosse Association and have been asked to guest coach

Coach Resources

Feedback/Incident Report

Use this form to provide feedback and report incidents of concern directly to the Langley Minor Lacrosse Feedback and Discipline Committee.

Criminal Record Check

Go to Criminal Record Check, Government of BC and use code M84W5LMC6H to apply.

An applicant’s identity is verified using their BC Services Card. If the applicant is using the BC Services Card to access the online service for first time, they will be directed to activate their card through Service BC.

Please Note: Not all individuals will be able to use the online process and may be required to submit the request for a criminal record check through the manual paper process.

If you are going to a local police station, please print off the Criminal Record Check Letter, add your name and take it with you so you are not charged.

A Criminal Record Check is not complete until LMLA receives the results.



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We respectfully acknowledge that our operations are on the unceded traditional territory of the Katzie and Kwantlen people.