Make sure you put together a team budget at the beginning of the year to determine your team fees.
Some things to keep in mind:
- Exhibition game ref fees
- Goalie equipment cleaning, if applicable
- Replacement team balls
- Balls are $2.63 each
- Contact the Uniform & Equipment Manager
- Ice packs
- Tournament fees (entrance, meals, covering non-parent coach’s costs, etc.)
- Team building events
- Team gear (shooter shirts, socks, hoodies, etc.)
- Gym fees – for dryland training
- Year-end celebration (recognition for players and coaching staff, food, venue, etc.)
Example Budget
Budget | Actual | |
Tournament 1 - entrance fee | $450 | $450 |
Tournament 1 - team lunch | $200 | $180 |
Tournament 2 - entrance fee | $400 | $400 |
Tournament 2 - team building event | $250 | $300 |
Team shirts | $265 | $250 |
Admin - stamps | $5 | $6 |
Admin - balls | $100 | $75 |
Admin - ice packs | $50 | $40 |
Admin - laminating | $25 | $22 |
Year end party - venue/activity | $250 | $240 |
Year end party - food | $200 | $225 |
Year end party - team recognition | $150 | $150 |
Year end party - coach recognition | $100 | $100 |
Total | $2445 | $2218 |
Team fees* (20 x $122.25) | -$2445 | |
Donation/fundraising | -$300 | |
Year-end | $2445 | $527** |
* Team fees are $122.25 per player (proposed expenses of $2445/20 players)
** Any money left over at the end of the year will be evenly divided and returned to families (e.g. $527/20 = $26.35 refund)
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We respectfully acknowledge that our operations are on the unceded traditional territory of the Katzie and Kwantlen people.