Conduct, Discipline & Complaints



All athletes, coaches, executive, parents/guardians and fans are bound by the rules and regulations of the BCLA and the LMMLC. We wish to emphasize the following points:

  • It is the responsibility of everyone involved in lacrosse to promote good conduct of all team personnel and fans at all lacrosse function and to ensure respect for all participants, officials and spectators.
  • Abuse of Referees, either verbal or physical, will not be tolerated.
  • Coaches must control their benches and assist in the control of their fans.
  • Swearing, vulgar or abusive language will not be tolerated.
  • Players must have helmets on at all times they are on the floor in order to comply with our insurance policy.
  • LMLA is fully committed to the Fair Play principles of the Government of Canada. All participants shall ensure that fair play is incorporated into practices and games and that players are taught the importance of honesty, integrity and respect.


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We respectfully acknowledge that our operations are on the unceded traditional territory of the Katzie and Kwantlen people.